La Sirena | SS 24
Sirens personified a charming but insidious sea surface, under which sharp cliffs and chalks hide. They inherited a wild spontaneity from their father and a divine voice from their mother-muse
Nature is main creator. What ca be more perfect that the simply genius organic line.
Nature is not merely the external visible world, just as a real person is not the body we perceive and tend to be associated with.... And yes, there is still your material self, your food and your busy schedule, but…there is something that frees you into the joyous bliss of a moment, something you have found. That fleeting feeling of freedom becomes tangible once you finally break with the system. A person who aspires to search for truth has no style. That person lives as-is. Аll the states of liberation are nothing but a deep understanding of eternity.
Relationships of men and objects. While forming space, men create and surround themselves with product designs, objects, that have always been a major source of influence of humane conscience, mood, behaviour and attitude. Lightness of Being comes through the awareness of one's purpose.
Impulse embodied in objects sets in motion the imagination, which in turn makes it possible to get in touch with the beginning and feel the primary motive. Continuity does not give rise to cyclicality, but opens up new things without breaking the tradition.
ABC | FW19
Relationship of man and space, the synthesis of technical and creative, making the form is absolute by bringing to geometrical perfection. Forms cleared from any symbolism and metaphoricity, repeatability, monochrome, neutral surfaces, industrial materials and methods of manufacture. ABC seeks to convey the simplified essence and form of objects, cutting off secondary images and shells. The symbolism prevails based on three main figures also colors, dots and lines.
A fruit to be considered as a product,
a final point, destination and result
of any long-term process, effort, contact;
the path from birth through blossom towards art.
Thus, sacrificed to prosper
the flower gives it’s concentrated heart —
the seed of liveliness along with vital forces
for fruit to turn awake and start.
Light is the Creator. It is evident in all organic life. Spiritual harmony endows with ability to receive light. To realize the quality of nobleness. All that is filled with light strive to the maximum possible realization of true nature, to it’s existential ecstatic bloom as the apogee of a life cycle.
The imago is the last stage an insect attains during its metamorphosis, it is the process of growth and development. Maturity doesn't mean age. It means level of sensitivity. Nature does not require edging as a point of perfection.
RHX11 | FW17
Humankind is not the first and not the last intelligent race on earth. Erenow, blue blood was flowing in the veins of living creatures. Blood is nothing but a liquid metal. Accomplished technology is indistinguishable from the magic. Mankind has transformed the knowledge into artificial intelligence. Existence becomes smarter and faster, it achieves an ability to adapt for radical global changes. The Era of Mankind is coming to its end.
Fear has its own beauty, elegance and sensuality. It is one intricate phenomenon. Only living being may experience fear. The dead is nonchalant. It becomes the absolute silence, immortal and eternal, clear from the doom of an immanent "I”. It is important to stop grasping things by their names. Contemplate the feeling and let it reveal itself.
DRAMA | FW16/17
Time is elusive and irrevocable: some flower won’t be smelled again; some animal won’t be seen by the next generations; the work of a genius that was washed away by the time. Natural creations are disappearing, slipping away and we are not in power to return it. Our utmost is empathy and the act of giving back. This drama aims to create a new beauty by our hands, as an act of compassion.
The wholeness of a natural form indicates that the form and forces are always in some sense of equilibrium. Seashells for instance are one of the natural forms whose functions are simple enough to be approximated by a simple mathematical relationship. Therefore, this structures in nature, their essential forms and curves are applicable to human architectures.
ORB | FW15
Orb is a perfect manifestation of form. It was the basis of everything. In the beginning of time... Time began after dividing spheres into billions of fragments. In the beginning of space... The smallest orbital particle that has physical properties is atom. In the beginning of life... The smallest structural and functional unit of a live organism is cell. One orb transforms to endlessness to be experienced.
Physics is the patterns of organic energy, all is dynamic, alive. Mass is energy, so the subatomic world is always restlessly in motion. Inert matter is full of motion when we look closer at it. The activity of matter is its essence. Geometry is a construct of the intellect.
There are five perfect 3-dimensional forms. Collectively these are known as The Platonic Solids and they are the foundation of everything in the physical world. Literally the entire Periodic Table of Elements is based on these same five forms! It was Marcel Proust who said, "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes”.
When you are overfilled with information, emotions and words then you might need quietness, clarity of thoughts and space for fitting it all in your further ambient perception. You are able to feel deeply this veritable perception just with poring over the core, the origins of the story, going back to the roots, to one's eternal sense. Is about revealing the answers without even thinking, just contemplating around with a great silence...To feel the truth and verity of origin. Verity lays inside you. It is exactly what brings you back to life.
When it comes to the end, thereafter the flesh dies, it starts to decay. Skin fades and those pale yellow bones start to be seen through the muscles... they look like armature seeping from reinforced concrete structure... The core of every matter is inside not outside, the most powerful are always hidden from outer view and influences. It is the initial protection for its being. Nothing is eternal but it will not fade away without leaving a trace... the essence will remain forevermore...
HUG | FW13
Since birth we try to stand up and take our first steps. We yearn to touch and be touched and to feel sensations for the first time. We can perceive objects with an unclogged consciousness. Pure perception without comparison . We know no other but that we can see and feel. Spirit does not have form, but forms can have spirit, vibration does not have a color, but color can have vibration, mood does not have a texture, but textures can have a mood.